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Corn Maize As Cattle Feeds, Agricultural MachineryCorn becomes one of the inherent commodities with stable demands. To produce the high grade of any plant, especially corn, we do need to check the way of its farm. The success of the plantation surely makes the owner joyous. The efforts vary from seed choosing, the fertilization period, and more. Besides, we need strong motivations for growing corn maize. To pursue that way, the improvement of methods needs to be accelerated. As a result, we will get the maximum revenue and profit. So, how is the effective way to get the top of quality corn? Below are the reviews. 

How To Grow Potential Corn Maize 

As a beginner or professional who is involved in planting this kind of plant, you need to have sufficient knowledge. In addition, if you are going to plant in wide areas. You can start by defining the variety of the corns. It’s related to the growing power and the quality. As you make it as business, analyzing the market demands first. This includes the types the market needs. For example, an area is more dominant towards hybrid maize, while another area is not. Every kind of corn also has excellencies and shortages. Excellent farmers also experiment to get better quality seeds.

Let’s start with the steps for choosing the seeds. In the stage of selecting corn seeds, of course, several considerations can be applied. This will affect the quality of the harvest later. The following are criteria regarding the selection of corn seeds. 

  • Having the power to grow more than 90%, is related to the quality of corn growth.
  • Having a high yield potential. It is related to the type of previously selected variety. Usually comes from certified seeds and good breeders.
  • It has good resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Having a high level of plant uniformity, we could observe when the seeds have started to sprout.

The timing for planting is also significant. You can begin when the intensity of rainfall has decreased and has even been completed. These periods are very suitable for cultivating corn. In these times, corn is easier to grow, develop, and more fertile (compared to the dry period). Last but not least, corn with a sufficient level of watery is big in fruit and has better quality. 

Many things need to be considered when starting to cultivate corn. Regarding the climate, for example, subtropical or tropical is much preferable. Rainfall, temperature, and light intensity are some natural factors that must be met to maximize growth. Besides, the growth is also influenced by the media of cultivation. Potential media has loose soil texture, contains enough nutrients, pH from 5.5-7.5, and has sufficient water availability.

How To Take Care Of Corn Maize Cultivations

Some breeds of corn plants can adapt to low temperatures and high areas. Corn is the best crop when cultivated in lowlands with warm temperatures and adequate sun intensity. Corn plant germination will stop at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius. The water requirement for corn plants is average, but lack of water in the early growing period, flowering period, and seed filling period will result in a drastic reduction in corn yields. Here are several ways to take care of your corn maize.

  • Spacing and embroidering. This process is carried out when two or more corn seeds are planted so that two or more corn plants grow.
  • Weeding process. Carry out the process of cleaning disturbing plants around corn plants, such as grass, purslane, and other nuisance plants.
  • Watering system. The irrigation system for corn plants is easiest, especially with a flooding system or ditch irrigation.
  • Pest and disease control. Pests and diseases can cause crop yields to decrease and even result in plant death and crop failure.

Finally, the efforts to have good and valuable corn maize are not always easy. Many requirements need to be taken before the cultivation. To support the growth, machinery is also the thing a farmer should be aware of. Produce corn harvests with good quality and lucrative profits is a dream. 

It’s no longer just wishful thinking, and you can apply the right stages of cultivation and care with trusted agricultural machinery from Jummos. We hold the experience as the bale wrapper supplier for high performances products. Contact us as we provide more information and details of our products. Do you want to start your success? Call us now.