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In starting the livestock business, there are at least three factors you should prepare them well. They are the choice of farm animal seeds, maintenance management factors, and feed factors. Where the need for feed is above the two other factors, a sufficient amount of feed will guarantee an increase in population, production, and livestock productivity. Seventy percent of the cost of livestock production must be prepared for animal feed. It contributes significantly to the growth of the animals. 

It is about thirty percent of factors supported by the management, healthiness in animal farming, and others. Previously, farmers and breeders should be able to provide and prepare their livestock feed in addition to green fodder. However, with the changing times, the availability of animal feed is limited. So, efforts are needed to maintain the availability of feed throughout the year. 

A Short Review: What are the Classifications of Livestock Feed?

Feeding is not something that can be given without rules. Raising livestock must also be balanced with broad skills and knowledge. It also includes knowledge about updated things. So, farmers can adjust what steps to take. Surely, all breeders and the businessman want the breeding costs to become efficient but with maximum results. For you with the plan for building your farm business, below are the classifications of feed you should know.

Mainly, the livestock feed is divided into two classes. The first class has foraged, and the other is concentrate. These two types are important to help the growth of the animal. Although the concentrate has higher contents in protein, the need for forage is still a priority. We cannot leave the forages because the fiber contents inside are high. The fiber can only be found from the grass fodder, could not be alternated by the concentrate. But, for vitamin intake, both forage and concentrate are particularly similar. 

In a wider range, the feed can be classified in more classes as below.

  • Roughages. This type comes from coarse stuff. Almost all ruminants consume it as the common feed. The example of roughages is so familiar to us, such as grass. We could easily find it almost everywhere. Legumes are also classified into this class which has two variants. 

However, these kinds have the limitation, such as they only grow well in the rainy season. Then, the process for the longer storage is carried such as creating hay or silage.  

  • Energy feed or concentrate for livestock. This type of feed has the disadvantage and the advantage. For better carbohydrate intake, this type is recommended. Thus, it has a high carbohydrate level and a lower level of protein and other nutrients. This type is also considered pricy than the other source of nutrition.
  • Essential oil with high nutritional contents.
  • If there is carbohydrate concentrate, so we also know the protein concentrate. As its name, it contains the high protein needed by the livestock. 
  • Supplement. We can find it in some kinds such as mineral or vitamin supplements and other additive feed. Usually, the livestock needs a little giving for this kind of supplement as the extra feed value.

The Characteristics of Good Livestock Feed for Ruminants

It is easy to get the concentrate for boosting the growth of the ruminants. However, using natural sources is still recommended. In this field, the ability to provide high-grade nature feed is limited. Then, a breeder still needs to force serving the feed as well as possible. Below is the list of characteristics for a good feed.

  1. Method fo giving the livestock feed directly is the best way, especially for feed with roughage type.
  2. For long-term stock, you can store the roughages in the form of hay or silage. The production should be in standardized operations.
  3. Vitamin or mineral supplement for livestock is also on the list. But the farmers should be aware of the dosage. Only small dosages are allowed. Ask the expert as you want to meet the suggested measurement. 

In conclusion, livestock feed holds an important role in any breeding. Feed production surely needs a good combination of raw material and the equipment to produce it. The good quality of the material is not adequate without the applicable device. Find and compare the horticultural machinery if you want to produce high-quality feed in Jummos’ products. 

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