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silage Round Bale Wrappers for sale in China

The key to quality animal feed lies in the silage bale wrapper machine. When the wrapper can provide a touch of security such as maintaining the temperature inside the silage, avoiding oxygen from entering the silage, and being able to fend off ultraviolet exposure then this animal feed can be premium feed.

Farm animals need premium feed to provide premium meat, eggs, and milk.

Why Livestock Need Silage

Silage is excellent as livestock feed during difficult seasons such as drought and extremely cold winters. During this season, livestock usually loses their appetite, fresh fodder is depleted, and the increasingly warming environmental conditions have an impact on livestock metabolism. If not addressed immediately, the dry season or extreme winter will pose a danger to livestock.

Livestock intake is reduced so that it cannot meet the basic needs for body maintenance, body development is disrupted, and the reproductive needs of livestock will decrease. The ideal body weight of livestock will also be difficult to achieve. Ideal body weight according to average daily gain (AVG) will affect the selling value of livestock and their reproductive system.

Silage, which has a high moisture content, is a solution for animal feed in such difficult seasons. Silage is processed through a fermentation process with the help of microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria and in conditions without oxygen.

Important Things in Making Silage

The ancients made silage by loading it into silos. A silo is an airtight container that can be closed. The silo makes the air around it unable to enter or exit from and into the container. Now many people use silage bale wrapper which is more practical and doesn’t take long to operate it.

Silage which is the result of the preservation of forages, grasses, or agricultural waste for animal feed in the fresh form will maintain its quality as long as it pays attention to the following matters:

Anaerobic Condition

The silo or silage bale wrapper must be able to provide airtight or oxygen-free conditions to the silage. Oxygen in silage can invite bad bacteria to grow which eventually destroys the quality of the silage.

Cutting Forage Materials

Cut the forage material about 3 to 5 cm. All must be the same length so that the resulting maximum silage is. If the size of the forage material is lower than 3 cm, then usually the material will be contaminated with dirt around it.

Whether the Forage Material

Wither the forage material first after harvesting so that the water content lasts only around 60 percent.

Accelerate Ensilage

You can use additional materials to speed up the insulation, such as materials containing carbohydrates like cassava, bran, and molasses, as well as microbial or enzymes. Ensilage is a way to maintain the quality of forage through fermentation. This process can produce organic acids such as lactic acid to increase the anaerobic atmosphere in the silage.

How to Use Silage Bale Wrapper

Today’s silage wrappers that you can easily find are made of synthetic biodegradable plastic materials. This plastic wrap is also known as polypropylene material. This wrap film will keep the grass or forage materials inside fresh even if they are stored for months until the next summer or winter.

It only takes a few steps to wrap the silage:

Wrap Film

Silage film can work well using agricultural equipment in the form of a baler machine that can pack forage into a solid and airtight container in plastic wrap.

Silage Bale Wrapper Machine

Forage yields in the field can be easily stored through compression using a silage bale wrapper machine. This baling process uses a special machine to form three types of balers. You only need to choose whether to make the large round baler which is popular among farmers, the small rectangular baler which is more suitable for small-scale farmers, and the large rectangular baler which is very dense and heavy.

The wrapping machine commonly used for the baling process is a single wrapping machine or baler which already has a wrapping chamber. The revolution in silage bale wrapper machine technology has made farmers now able to experience various types of machines that facilitate their various jobs.

Well Distribution

The silage bale wrapper that has finished wrapping the forage is then prepared in bales in a special room or directly packaged according to the procedure to several customers.

You will probably find many silage bale wrapper manufacturers selling their products on the internet. Maybe this is the first time you make an order. You can rely on several reviews from the customers who bought that wrapper.