Knowing well about the area of farming is the important thing the beginner of farmers’ work. At least, there are three major things you should be aware of. They are superior livestock feeds, location and cage cleanliness, and animal digest. Fodder supply of the livestock is a necessity where it can be ignored. That’s why we need support from the environment and technology. To maintain the weight and the quality, the feed comes from various varieties.
The processing of concentrate feed rough materials is a process that requires the help of mechanical tools. The tools used also have different uses and advantages to speed up each production process. We know total mixed ration (TMR) that is very helpful. So how does the machine work? How is the effectiveness of using the tool?
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The Advantages Vs. Disadvantages of TMR
TMR machine is a tool for processing dry livestock feed concentrate in the form of granules and various dry doughs in large quantities. This tool is specially designed to mix various components in the form of granules or flour in a short period. It is also added by some nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and other additives. There are no other goals for doing so except to make the livestock healthy and get the maximum productivities for milk, coat, egg, and others. Balanced nutrients will boost the profit of farming.
Advancement in agricultural technology brings innovation to meet efficient but profitable farming. The innovation becomes so sophisticated with more features and functions.
TMR Advantages
Below are several advantages of using the total mixed ration.
- Through the feed from the total mixed ration processing, the livestock will get better digest (higher nutritional value).
- Minimize the cattle’s craving for the mixed rations. Since the grain, hay, or other sources are mixed well in a new form.
- It could press the cost of labor in giving the feed.
- Get the efficiency in feed for both the high and low produced cattle.
- Get better productivity by almost 50% from the previous conventional method.
- It has a positive impact on the measurement of feeding. We can adjust the livestock’s needs daily without more waste.
TMR Disadvantages
The disadvantages of its use are less than the advantages. Let’s find out about the disadvantages of the effectiveness of total mixed ration.
- All the livestock get the same ratio, although the individual need is a different one to another.
- It may be pricy for getting the components
- Sometimes is still needed another additional tool for making sure the raw materials such as hay.
- Some cows may experience overfed or less forage since the classification or grouping is quite hard to do.
How Does the Total Mixed Ration Work?
The working mechanism of the animal feed mixer machine is part of a mixer machine work process. It is one of the steps in making feed in the form of pellets. The mixer machine can work in two ways, namely horizontally and vertically.
The working mechanism of the mixer device is to move the stirrer to crush the solid material to the appropriate size. Then it is mixed with other supporting materials or main feed ingredients. The work of the machine is in the form of a motor rotation. It is transmitted to the belt, which then leads the stirrer.
Mixing is the basic operation of much-needed feed manufacturing. Complete feed, which is a mixture of feed ingredients, must go through a mixing process. Homogeneity is the result of the mixing process to maximize nutrient utilization. To optimize growth, production, health, livestock must get a well-balanced feed of nutritional intake and addictive substances at the precise concentration.
In choosing the machinery mixer, these three aspects may be helpful. Better to think twice and longer to decide which the best products are. We need to consider the use of total mixed ration itself regarding its importance. The daily capacity is measured based on the daily intake from the production of concentrate. Analyzing the capacity of the feed ware to store the feed products.
Your consideration will influence the efficiency both in production and the cost optimally. Here is your duty to ask yourself about your priority. Visit our site will help a lot as we provide some complete agricultural types of machinery. Jummos is the certified manufacturer with the principle for supporting the breeder and farmer in their success. Let’s explore more; which one is your targeted product?