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The Requirement of Good TMR Feed Mixer

TMR feed mixer for dairy cow husbandry

TMR feed mixer is an important device for cow husbandry. The food produce by concerning the right TMR is a powerful support in enhancing productivity. Getting that high-quality forage is now easier using the mixing device. A wide margin is used to boost productivity.

Producing a Good TMR

In making forage with the right ratio, use the TMR feed mixer. The example here uses silage and hay. The good ratio starts with the mixture of each for 25%. It is suggested to use each forage no more than 75%. If it is necessary, 50% is still okay. A particular mixer wagon is equipped with the ability to be self-propelled. It helps the farmer, especially for the farmers that use bunker as the storage room.

It is so much easier if you have a large mixer. You will be free to decide the percentage of each bale. But if your mixer is limited in size, you can start by adding 25% or 50% of each material.

Feeding the Cows with a TMR Feed Mixer

There is a good advantage of this device. Feeding the livestock takes only a simple step. After the mixing process is done, you can use the mixer to feed the cows directly. Drive the wagon to the feeding tray. Unload the forage there then the cows can eat it. The big benefit of the right TMR in the forage is that it can boost productivity up to 80%. 

If the consistency is high with the great forage combination, the productivity can be boosted up to 100%. The productivity here refers to the meat quality, milk quality and quantity, and manure.

When the TMR is not followed properly, those productivities can jump down significantly. For the farmers, it is suggested to always follow the TMR to keep the quality of the forage.

The Requirement of the Good TMR Feed Mixer

After getting the information on the TMR benefit, here are the requirements of the mixer.

1. Has Complete Features

The operating system is better to have complete and various choices for example, the speed or the time. The system helps the process to run more smoothly and done in time.

2. Has the Right Size

The right size mentioned is not absolute one size for all but depends on the need. Hence, it is not wise to mention only one kind with one size. If you have large husbandry with a lot of livestock, then choose the big one.

3. Has Good Blades

The mixer should have good blades with good materials. This supports the process so much and also lengthens the durability of the machine. It will save bucks on maintenance.

4. Has Good Auger

A good auger with powerful rotation can enhance the mixing process. Some mixers provide a double auger (or more). It is good to remember that sometimes there is a spot with difficult access. With more than one auger, the blade will rotate in more than one direction. The difficult part can be accessed easily.

5. Has More Than 5 Years Experience

Five is a standard number of a manufacturer. The brand with more than five years of dedication is stated to be a good brand with stable and consistent quality. To make sure, also check the review from the users. This proof is important because it will make you sure of the product that you want. You also can get the product’s strengths and weaknesses from the users’ reviews.


With no hesitation, Jummos provide good products for you. All the requirements above are possessed by Jummos. Not only TMR mixer, but we also manufacture the other agriculture stuff such as net wrap, LLDPE silage film, etc. The mixer that you can choose is in various styles. If you build an unmoving spot for mixing, you can buy a stationary TMR mixer. And if you prefer a mobile one, you can choose the trailed one. 

We have been serving the buyers for more than ten years, the time that is enough to prove our dedication. The users don’t have to worry about the troubleshooting that may happen because we have an expert to consult with. Go visit our website at Trust your TMR feed mixer to us for better husbandry.