One of the processes of fodder processing is a process that requires the use of a mixer. The mixing process of raw materials is done to homogenize the raw materials feed so it will be mixed the whole concentrate processed evenly. One of the mixing machines is a TMR mixer horizontal.
All About of Agricultural Machines
Processing the raw materials in the fodder industry is either favorable and impactful. The advantage that can be obtained from the process can be seen in terms of cost, operational and raw materials.
In terms of cost, processing feed raw materials will reduce the overall cost (labor, energy, and production). In terms of operation, it will be easier to handle, mix, and editing shapes. In terms of the feed, it will benefit the livestock digestion.
The Advantages and Weakness of TMR Mixer Horizontal
Even though a glimpse of the horizontal TMR machine is similar to the vertical machine, they are working differently. In some daily maintenance, they get the same care. But in some other things are different.
Unlike a vertical mixer that uses some help with gravity, the horizontal mixer is fully utilizing a motor power machine. Motor move the horizontal screws that is attached to the center of a tube and having a stirrer. Crosspiece screws and stirrer will cause gyrations material to feed in a tube where a groove stirring be opposite between grooves inside and outside. The order for the import of ingredients in a mixer is major, raw materials minor, raw materials an additive, material, and a liquid.
As for the excellence and a shortage of TMR mixer horizontal machine is. In general, the horizontal mixer has some advantages, rations processed will:
- Having a value of homogeneity higher than rations mixed with a mixer vertical.
- Mixing time is relatively shorter.
- Charging time relatively faster.
- Emptying time relatively fast (drop bottom type).
- Easily cleared at the inner cross-section.
And the weakness of the mixer horizontal is:
- Need greater engine more than vertical mixer engine in the same capacity. That will have an impact on operational higher cost (an electricity usage).
- Volume charging must be 2/3 volume a mixer at least.
- Need occupies room larger.
- Must greater investment.
Knowing of Tmr Mixer Machine Functionalities
TMR mixer machines have some kinds of machine types. Such as TMR mixer horizontal, trailed TMR mixer, and stationary TMR mixer. All of those machines are popular in the farming and agricultural industry. It plays a very important role in processing livestock feed.
Every year to year, the demand for farming machine products has significantly increased. We believe that agricultural mechanization plays an important role in this challenge. So, we like to inform all customers about the TMR mixer horizontal machine functionalities, are following:
Stirring Fodder Until Mixed Evenly
Stirring fodder, concentrates, and any other raw materials into a total mixed ration is a process that needs the help of a mechanical device to fasten the production process and ultimately save cost.
Produce Considerable Production Capacity
Motor activators made the mixers running; it works in a short period and generates a lot of production, it is the best investment for agriculture and livestock.
Jummos Multi-Functional TMR Mixer Horizontal
Jummos is a company that engages in agricultural and livestock machinery. Our main production is the TMR mixer horizontal and vertical, which is already very popular in China due to our quality. Additionally, we also manufacture an excellent quality of baler wrappers. Jummos is also giving an extended guarantee; it is about a year parts warranty. And it provides more advantages for all customers. You can always check our website and consult with us. Our products follow the International Standard Quality and have been used by many farmers. So do not doubt to buy many kinds of our machinery.