The method of feeding dairy cows is also known as the total mixed ration that commonly called for short TMR. Dairy cows are fed using the TMR method so that each cow can consume the required nutritional level in a day. Even for every bite of the feed, it consumes. This total mixed ration has its formula consisting of good quality forage, vitamins, whole grains, minerals, and protein. To evenly mix all the contents of the ratio, breeders need a TMR mixer that works without making workers feel exhausted.
Before we discuss further the TMR mixer, it is good to know first what TMR is and what are the benefits of using it for your ruminant animals.
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Feed Use Efficiency With TMR Method
For breeders who do not pay too much attention to the nutritional effects of their ruminants, the use of TMR is only intended to increase the weight of the livestock before the slaughter period or massive selling time due to holidays such as Eid-Al-Adha or Christmas and New Year celebrations. If previously the farmers provided conventional feed were the source of feed was fiber and concentrate feed is given separately, now the TMR method has become part of the daily routine in modern farms that are practical and effective. Moreover, the TMR mixer technology has been found which makes it easy to feed tens or even hundreds of these ruminant animals.
So, this is the time for you to pay attention to the nutritional effect of your ruminants from feeding using the TMR method with the help of a TMR mixer. This method has proven useful in:
- Save labor costs because everything can be done with one TMR mixer. You may only need one or two workers or you can do it yourself.
- Feed uses efficiency as the grain mic can be fed freely to high producer groups without overfeeding late-lactating or lower producing cattle.
- Makes it easier for livestock to eat because there is no need to sort all the forage rations, seeds, protein supplements, minerals, and vitamins that have been mixed thoroughly.
- Cows become healthier with abundant milk production. Besides, the reproductive activity increases due to the right target and right nutrition portion.
- This allows for greater flexibility in feeding the right amount of nutrients, energy, protein, and many more as the blended feed is suitable to be fed to any herd.
Why Do Cows Need The TMR Method?
Cows usually pick the long particles in search of finer particles. This behavior is often shown by cows in the process of eating feed. If this behavior is allowed by the breeders, it will be bad for the cow. Cows may get metabolic disorders such as rumen acidosis (ACD). ACD is a metabolic disorder that generally occurs due to the provision of large amounts of low-fiber (concentrated) carbohydrates, which can lead to dehydration and depression.
ACD metabolic disorders also often occur in intensively reared cattle. These animals are accustomed to consuming protein-rich feed that is easily fermented, which triggers excessive ammonium production, resulting in alkalosis accompanied by excitation and hyperesthesia. Cows may get changes in sunken eyes, blindness, diarrhea within 24 hours that smells sour, slimy, and frothy with a yellowish-brown to greyish color.
To prevent and overcome the bad effects like the one above, you need to apply a balanced TMR diet to livestock in your animal husbandry. After you collect the forage properly, store the forage in the form of silage and haylage with a hay baler net wrap before storing it for several months. When the time of feeding comes, you can remove the hay baler net wrap of the silage. Then, use a TMR mixer to process perfect feed which is not too fine or too coarse.
How Does A TMR Mixer Work?
Dairy cattle in the era of modern farming is very dependent on the quality of the TMR mixer. Your TMR dairy feed will be well received by your ruminant animals when the TMR mixer works well by chopping and mixing the feed all so that it will be not too coarse or too fine feed.
The TMR mixer works by mixing the same particles of different sizes, moisture content, and bulk density. Perfect mixing is what we expect from this TMR mixer. This is a condition where each feed material that is put into the mixing tank has the same composition. The mixed ration in the TMR mixer must be mixed evenly so that when a cow eats a full bite, it receives all the homogeneous combined materials of feed. Cows do not need to sort at will, which is often fatal to their metabolism.
The Best TMR Mixer
Maybe you wonder about the best product of TMR mixer that gives you affordable prices, friendly use things, and easy to obtain. So, why don’t you contact us. Here you will find all kinds of TMR mixer you need. Just talk to our agent to get what you need the most. Order now and let your cows feel happy to eat their feed.