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silage baler, hay baler wrapper

Silage is a good form of animal feed which often comes from big silage baler. This helps farmers to finish their work. Farmers will store ready silage and then wrap it in such a way as to make it easier for silage during distribution and storage process. Farmers also need the machine that processes their silage balers. If there is no silage baler machine, then the farmers will find it difficult to process the fermentation. Silage needs the fermentation process to keep the nutrition for months. However, there will be the crisis moments like summer and strong winter that can damage the forage around. So, you will need the silage bales to be the practical feed for ruminants.

Feed for Livestock

Feeding livestock is not as simple as clicking a lamp switch. That is why there is a specific study program for it. It is important to master the knowledge about animal feed because it affects health and productivity. There is a traditional view of a successful farmer. A farmer can claim that he runs a successful farm if he can build a big one.

Do you agree with the statement above? Actually, the size and the amount of the animals do not define a successful farmer. You can see the successful farmer from the calculation of the outcome and income. The animals’ conditions also define it. Not about the number, but the constant profit.

Otherwise, if you force the animals to produce without good feed, they won’t live long. That will be the worst loss because you have to replace new animals so that the farm can continue to produce. To avoid tragic losses and to support the animals’ health, paying attention to the feed is one of the effective ways.

The Kind of Animals Food

There are five major animal foods: raw food, concentrate, mineral, vitamin, and supplement. The raw food usually has a big volume. However, if we look closely, the weight is not that heavy. Too much space between the crops makes it light in weight. This category usually consists of green, long leaves, and long stem plants. You can give it directly to the livestock without the complicated process.

The other source is legumes. Livestock can eat leftover human food crops such as hay. It is a kind of great symbiosis between humans and animals. The nutrition contents of this type is about 18% of fiber.

Some farmers avoid it, but in fact, they still need hay to train the animals’ ability to chew raw material. It also has tight relation to dairy production. So, you don’t have to avoid hay completely. You can also still give supplements to animals with certain conditions like pregnant or sick animals.

What is Silage

The feed or nutrient source for the animal is abundant. One of the beneficial feeds is silage. This kind of feed is made of chopped grasses, legumes, and maize. Among the animal foods, this belongs to the high nutrient one. In one portion, there are already some ingredients that contain the beneficial substance.

The mixed material will then go through a fermentation process. Carrying out this process requires precision and caution. You have to wrap it and don’t open it for a certain time. Silage is from mature plants. During its fermentation process and the storage process, it will lose some nutrients.

To avoid a big significant loss, you have to choose early mature plants. After choosing the right plants then, you can do the next process. During the fermentation and storage process, it will lose some of its nutrients. Here, the silage has to go through a pressing and rolling process.

Silage Baler to the Rescue

The device already exists on so many farms around the world. It means that the world admits its benefit. Back to the baling process, silage baler helps to simplify farmers’ jobs in baling the silage. It means a lot for the storage process where it needs a trim shape. With the good pressure from the machine, you can save space well.

The Advantages of Using Machines on the Farm

Machine (s) is prominent nowadays. It gives both direct and indirect advantages. The direct one, as we all can see, replaces the farmers’ job. It does the difficult jobs that we feel so hard to do. Carrying or moving material is one of them. It adds extra comfort, so we do not think or work too hard. We can think of other things.

The indirect advantages are related to the economy and technology growth. Manufacturers appear and develop the machine design. They do innovation, so the machines reach a sophistication level. The farm’s workers may be reduced, but other opportunities are opened. It brings so many positive things.

Professional Silage Baler Manufacturer

Perhaps there are so many manufacturers and suppliers of silage baler machines around you. They can be on the internet or near your house. They often sell plastic wrapping film too which is suitable enough for working on the machines. This plastic wrapping is one of the most important things in the process of storing animal feed.

When the plastic you use is of good quality, the fermentation process will run well. Livestock will not get food that is moldy and torn apart by herds. You also need to pay attention to the thickness and stretchability of a certain scale of plastic wrapping. It greatly influences the final quality of silage fermentation. A professional silage baler manufacturer won’t let its customers get the worst quality of this plastic. However, the customers pay for the quality. Manufacturers should provide what consumers are targeting.

Find a manufacturer in China that truly has dedication to its duties as a supplier of silage balers and all products related to them. It has to be the manufacturer that has some international standard certifications that make you safe to use the products. Apart from that, this manufacturer also has many experiences in handling farm solutions for years. This manufacturer knows what kind of balers that best suit one farm or more.

Jummos, a High-Quality Silage Baler Provider

If you wonder who produces the agriculture that you wish to thank, meet us, Jummos. We make big agriculture machines that will make your hand relax from a big farm job. Let us say baling, mixing, delivering, etc., you can do with our machines. We choose great materials to make the machines. Its durability is guaranteed with the one-year guarantee. You can compare our machines to the others fairly. The Jummos silage baler will be ready to handle your job.