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Peat Moss: The Horticulture Star and Soil Maintainer

Peat moss plays an important role in gardening, agriculture and horticulture. This works indoors and outdoors, but the indoor one needs it very much. Almost every indoor plant uses this, except flowers that work well with water. This thing-specific function is as a medium. Numerous gardeners talk about it, many experts discuss and observe how to make it more beneficial. Unfortunately, so many people haven’t been familiar with this.

Which One is Peat Moss?

Those who don’t know much about this might confuse the material with the others that have a similar appearance. From the texture and color, peat moss is like dried tea leaves. With careful sight, the difference can be spotted. This thing has a brown color and is made of organic things and sphagnum moss.

Those then decompose. The decomposition process takes place in peat bogs for a very long time. The natural process happens without air. Natural here refers to ‘no human intervention’, so it doesn’t represent the traditional ‘natural’ meaning. The absence of air makes the process slow.

However, sometimes intervention from humans is needed to accelerate the process. Then it becomes more accessible for everyone to use.

Peat Moss Before Horticulture

Surprisingly, years ago, people did not use it for what it is now. Because the substance in it is carbon, people use that as the fuel source. The utilization of this as fuel is quite long. After an invention and the idea of this thing in horticulture, they turned the direction and used this object more for planting crops.

As everyone sees now this planting medium is popular for mushroom cast, seedling, mixture material, etc. Indoor ornamental plants are the things that use this object most.

Positive Sides of Peat Moss

Before we jump to the functions, the positive things of this fibrous planting medium are very intriguing to reveal. By knowing these first, it is easier to reveal the other sides.

It is Not Solidified

Time doesn’t change this object into a solid thing. Unlike other things that change time by time, this object remains the same. People might think that if it’s solidified, it may be decomposed. In fact, this is not solidified nor decomposed.

Weeds Free

Weeds do not have a chance to grow in this medium. Dangerous germs and microbes are also absent from this. It creates a good environment to grow without disturbing substances that can interrupt the growth.

It is Strong

When the rain is pouring down, the soil usually loses its nutrition. Water brings everything with it. If this happens so often, there is a possibility for the plants to be brought by the water too. Peat moss can hold it. The soil that has been mixed with this brown object supports the construction and the nutrition is not completely evaporated.

Moisture Maintainer

It can absorb water. This water retention thing is the underlined characteristic that consumes the attention of gardeners all over the world. When the soil is not so good, or the material is sandy, this can give extra moisture. Regardless of the soil’s capability to provide moisture, if it’s mixed with peat moss, it will be okay.

It’s Not Heavy

In a substantial way, this might not be a noticeable feature. But if it is about transportation, delivery, and movement, this is very beneficial. Besides the lightweight it has, it is also easy to modify.

The Main Function of Peat Moss in Horticulture

Main Function of Peat Moss in Horticulture

From the five main positive sides, we will reveal the best function of this object.

To Maintain the Soil Texture

The soil can be messed up by the previous crops or because of unwanted material like sand. To maintain the soil, peat moss could improve the texture. Using it is simple just pour it on the target area where the crop is about to plant. To upgrade it, pour powdered limestone that will keep the soil acidity good.

To Acidify the Soil

It can be used to acidify the soil. The result is that the soil will be ready for planting. Insert it into the soil at 30 centimeters depth. Subsequently, supply it with enough water. Now, the soil is ready.

Perfect for Decorative Plants

Because of the good moisture, the plant with this medium can stand longer, although without extra treatment. It’s suitable for decorative plants. No need to move them too often for treatment that will cause exhaustion.

For Growing Seeds

Weeds don’t grow on this object. That is the reason peat moss is famous for seedlings. In this phase, the plant (that is still in the form of seed) needs a supportive environment. Sometimes, because of the outside thing, the seedling failed. However, with peat moss, the percentage of success is higher.

To Keep the Nutrition Good

Related to some characteristics above, the ability of this object to restrain the water, it also works on nutrition. It holds the nutrition strongly, so the plant is supplied well. Notice some differences between the plant without peat moss and the one with it.

To Make the Soil Breathe

Soil needs oxygen. But sometimes, solidification cannot be avoided. The solid soil cannot absorb nutrients. By mixing the soil with peat moss, you can prevent this phenomenon. It lets the air circulation run well and it maximizes the nutrition absorbance.

Peat Moss Storage

The storage is important to keep the quality good. Although this object appears to be perfect, it is still an organic thing. Outside disturbances could cause damage. To protect it from the bad things, the best way to store it is by baking it.

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