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Growing Grass Fodder For The Fulfillment Of Nutrition In Livestock

Some of us may be familiar with the thing rather than the term. We are familiar even ever give grass to the animal. But we may wonder what the grass fodder is. It is commonly defined as the feeding for any livestock such as rabbit, horse, cow, buffalo, and others. It is one of the agricultural kinds of stuff and has some variants. This term is different with forage, although both of these feed is beneficial for livestock. While forage is gotten by the animal themselves, the fodder is given by people consciously. The forms of feed are various. They can be hay, silage, haylage, and grains.

Knowing The Importance Of The Livestock’s Nutrients 

Good nutrition is one of the factors to keep animals healthy. Especially if you are growing them to get milk, egg, or meat. A farmer needs to be aware of the value of nutrition. Sufficient food could come from forage, grass fodder, or others. While to support the growth, adding vitamins and minerals is also essential. The giving of feed is closely related to the two reasons, types of animals and the usage. For example, ruminants need main feed such as grass and kind of leaves. The feed should be given in the right portion, not too much or less. 

The positive impact of giving and cultivating grass fodder is economically significant. This attractive choice offers can be an alternation for the limited amount and pricy of grains. Even for only 200 square feet, a farmer can develop the cultivating with significant impacts on the livestock. It means this spends less budget on its operations. It even can be conducted for small farming. Below are the other benefits regarding the fulfillment of nutrition. 

  1. As the primary sources of energy, the availability of grass and other feed should always be controlled. Since the power comes from the feed given, energies support the growth of the ruminants from the young age to the adult as it is ready to produce meats, eggs, or other productivities. 
  2. To maintain immunity and health. The type of feed given to livestock must be controlled in good quality and sufficient quantity.
  3. Increasing the productivity of the livestock. As food livestock, forage plays a very important role because forage contains almost all substances what animals need. To increase production, it is necessary to provide forage sufficient in terms of quantity, quality, and continuity.
  4. This forage could be stored for long-term stock (in the form of hay, silage, or haylage). As we know, the climate or state always changes every period. But the need for fodder is routine and compulsory; it is better to have the stock of fodder.

Tips In Giving The Ruminants Grass Fodder

Grass fodder is the main source of feed for ruminants. The term forage includes grasses, legumes, herbs, shrubs. The need for dry matter forage is about 3% of the animal’s body weight each day. This value is equivalent to fresh forage, where the value is 15%. In any farming, feeding cannot be rude. Here are several tips for successful feeding.

  • Make efforts to fulfill the forage needs of livestock. 
  • Providing sufficient concentrate in quality and quantity.
  • Provision of sufficient water intake.
  • The types of forage given include grass and legumes. This kind has the characteristic of easiness of development and growth.
  • Cut and prepare the forage around 3-5 centimeters. Shorter forage cuts can increase enzyme penetration to the substrate and ultimately cause digestive problems.
  • Give any concentrate or booster in wet or dry formation.
  • Give the booster before foraging to stimulate the activity of microorganisms in the rumen.

People’s awareness of the importance of animal protein foods continues to increase. As a result, the demand for meat, egg, and other livestock product also increases. Special efforts and technology are needed for handling the management of forage. 

As a result, you need the recommended and qualified tools to produce grass fodder efficiently. In choosing the machinery or the products, we hope to get the best result after usages. It means valuable products are the key as we can find many similar products. 

Jummos comes with high-grade types of machinery, helping farmers with the improvement of their business. Experience the best performances of our products towards your business, especially in agriculture, at affordable prices. More information and details are available on our sites. Do you want to start the consultation? Feel free to contact us.