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animal feed baling and wrapping machine

Wrapping bales is an activity that takes quite a lot of time and energy. Today’s modern farms use baler wrappers to help them complete all work on time. This is different from what traditional farmers do. In the past, they even stored animal feed just a little. One day they get food from searching everywhere, so that’s the food for that day. If there are any leftovers, they just put them in the warehouse or an open space near the livestock pen.

If the remaining feed or straw reaches bulk quantities, farmers will store it in silos. Now there is simple baler wrapper technology where this machine will help you preserve feed for several months and years. New business opportunities also arise because of the ease of wrapping these bales. Farmers cannot only store food supplies and provide nutrition for their livestock, but they can also sell these balers to many people.

Maybe the forage they are looking for is running out nearby. Sometimes their livestock feed is rotting due to weather factors and poor storage. Then, you may still be hesitant now about using a baler wrapper because of several concerns. You think about the amount of watts of electricity for one-time wrapping, which is 10 to 20 bales. Then is the baler machine effective and fast in processing? So, how about the machine maintenance? Will it be difficult for the owner to have to call a technician?

However, there are so many questions running through your mind that you are still unsure. But once you know what a bale wrapper is and which company produces it, you will probably find out how to get one soon.

What is a Baler Wrapper?

Today’s agriculture has agricultural technology in the form of a machine that can wrap bales of silage in special strong plastic. In general, a baler wrapper machine can complete the job quickly and only require a little labor. This machine usually has a tractor that has a power on-off operation. Some machines use remote control and sophisticated electronic monitoring components.

The way this machine works is also simple. It fulfills two main tasks in the farmland, collecting the plants into a solid round or square shape and wrapping them with a plastic cover. The plastic layers cover the entire bale. Bales of hay, beans, corn, feed, or forage will then go through a fermentation process so that they last in the storage warehouse for weeks or months.

Round bales or square bales are the same but this will be different when distribution and storage begin.

Benefits of Using a Baler Wrapper

Maybe you are wondering why we should use a baler wrapper. It’s like a machine that will take up some parts of the land on your farm. That’s if you focus on engine size. Even though there are also many wrapper machines that are minimalist and practical for small farms. You only need to choose the type of bal wrapper machine that best suits your financial condition, farm condition, and the use of it.

Therefore now you just have to think about the benefits of this wrapper baler for your farm. Anyways, there are several benefits to using a baler wrapper.

Eliminating Oxygen

Oxygen is the enemy of silage or animal feed that you want to store for some time. Oxygen that is still in the silage or bales can potentially damage the feed so that its useful life is much shorter. If you use the right wrapping machine and plastic then the oxygen supply from aerobic bacteria can disappear. You know that anaerobic bacteria thrive in these conditions in silage.

Next, these bacteria will convert the sugar into lactose so that it can maintain the silage’s nutrition.

Provide Outstanding Security

Baler wrapper provides security when storing bales in a warehouse or outdoor by arranging them in such a way. The bales are flammable if there is any oxygen left.

Protect Silage from Bad Weather

Heavy rain some days and direct sunlight can worsen silage quality. You may store bales outside because the farm conditions do not allow it. Full warehouse also forces farmers to arrange bales outside the warehouse. Without proper plastic wrapping, the silage will easily become moldy after the rain. Likewise, exposure to direct sunlight can worsen the contents of these bales.

Choose the Best Manufacturer for Baler Wrapper

baler wrapper manufacturer in China

You can use baler wrapper to preserve excess crops of corn, alfalfa, and sugar beets. Farmers often wrap a number of animal feeds such as forage and legumes using plastics like pure polypropylene. About 6 to 8 layers of plastic will cover the bales with the help of embroidery from the baler machine. This machine will collect the plants in front of it. Before that, farmers will cut one type of plant or straw into a certain size before they place them into the machine.

The work of a machine that resembles a tractor of various sizes with two arms that clamp the bales is very fast. Several manufacturers have various types of machines that you can choose according to your criteria. Like what Jummos have. Tsingtao Jummos Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. created a round baler wrapper that can wrap 40 to 50 bales per hour with silage film.

Then, we also have the front-loading combination machine which can form bales up to 1000 mm * 850 mm in size and weight a bale of corn reaches around 500 kg. Next, we provide an auto small baler wrapper which is minimalist but can wrap 60 to 80 bales per hour.

Well, you only need to choose according to the needs of your farm and business. Do contact us immediately to consult about a baler wrapper that is suitable for your farm. Then, you can make a decision to purchase one or some machines to be your sophisticated assistant on the farm. If there are any questions you can write it down now. We will guide as well.