bale net wrap for sale manufacturer in China Net wrap for sale is searched by farmers who wish to transport their harvest easily and securely; the use of bale net is are now widely known as it reduced the farmers lost to one percent. It can also mean that farmers can also save more harvest to be sold. As a result, farmers might expect a great benefit from the use of net wrap. Some farmers might confuse about using the net wrap or buying the silage film; because in quality, silage film is much better than bale net.

However, the multiple layers of silage film make it more expensive, and if farmers don’t need to store their harvest for long periods, using silage film becomes wasteful. Farmers now have the option to use a bale net instead of purchasing expensive silage wrap. A bale net, being cheaper, can still securely transport the harvest. Although twine is another option, bale nets are generally more effective than twine in significantly reducing harvest loss.

How To Choose A Net Wrap For Sale

When selecting a net wrap, your first consideration should be the hole size. Bale nets, similar to silage wrapping films, come in various hole sizes. For minimal loss, choose a small hole bale net, typically ranging from 1.5 to 1.75 inches. This size suits continuous supply hay that you need to keep for longer periods. If you need a larger hole, consider medium or large hole bale nets, which exceed 2 inches and can even reach 3 inches in size.

Farmers often opt for larger hole bale nets when they find that livestock easily disrupts the fodder bulk, leading to a mess. Use this larger size only if the smaller size has proven ineffective. Remember, larger holes increase the potential for loss during rolling. Your decision on the hole size should align with your livestock’s behavior. Start with a small hole net wrap to observe how your livestock interacts with their food. If they handle it well without causing a mess, continue using the small hole size. However, if they tend to be messier, switching to a larger hole size might be necessary.

A Guide for Efficient Harvest Management

In choosing the net wrap for sale for your kettle, you might experience try and error as you will probably have to change the hole several times until you find the right one. Besides choosing the hole properly, you might also need to pay attention to the equipment and your plan in dealing with the harvest. Here are some of the things that you need to pay attention to when dealing with bale net

  1. The shape of the bale that you plan to have. Usually, you can form the bale bulk in two different shapes, such as round and square. These two different shapes have their benefit; for example, the round bale bulk is easy to be done because it requires a lower-horsepower tractor while the square bale bulk is easy to store. Choosing whether you will go with round or square bale bulk depends on your personal preference and storage system.
  2. Pay attention to the size of your farm; if you only have a small farm and keeping just some livestock, then you might only need a small square bale bulk to deal with the daily feeding because it will help you distribute the fodder easily. However, if you deal with a large size of kettle and wide agricultural land then you might need to use round bales which require mechanical hauling equipment to move the bulk.

You might need to pay attention to other factors in buying net wrap for sale, including the budget you have in mind.