The Best Answer of What is a TMR Mixer

What is a TMR Mixer for Mixing Feed

What is a TMR mixer? This simple question can be answered with a broad explanation starting from the definition, the component of the device, the way to use it, etc. That simple question is enough to dig the detailed information of the things. Let us start with the definition.

TMR stands for Total Mixed Ration. This is the way or the method in feeding livestock to get the best nutrient intake. This is the dietary technique in an attempt to boost livestock productivity. TMR makes every bite of the forage contain complete nutrition. The minerals, vitamins, proteins, and grains should be balanced. If you see livestock being fed with a single kind of plant, it is the wrong way. Just like a human, they need other kinds of plants with various textures too.

Mixing the Forage

Before a special device had been created, the mixing process is done manually. This is a great explanation to answer what is a TMR mixer question. To make the process easier, the mixer is produced. We can get some advantages by using the device. The first, it speeds up the process. 

Compare to the manual process; device work is faster. The second, it cuts the budget on the employee. The job that is done with the device can be handled by fewer people. The money that you save by using the device can be spent on the other important in improving your husbandry performance.

Choosing the Device

The right choice on everything is important. That is why we need some consideration before making one decision. In choosing big farm equipment, we must carefully study the advantages versus disadvantages if we have the device, what we will get. And if we don’t possess the device, what we will lose. By using a TMR mixer, we can keep the nutrient supply consistent. This consistency is probably invisible for the layman. However, this helps the farmer so much in boosting the productivity of the beef or milk product.

It also maintains livestock digestive health. The livestock’s health is tightly related to finance. The budget for medicine and doctor service is saved. Spend it on the other improvement.

Also to be considered whether you have to buy this device or not is the amount of your livestock. This is related to how big your husbandry is. If you have one to five cows, for example, it belongs to a small one. Buying the device might not be good. Manual mixing is still possible to do. But if you have big husbandry, the machine is a must-have. 

Possessing this device can save time and money. To sum up, this device is highly needed for big husbandry.

What are a TMR Mixer and Its Type?

The market of big agriculture machinery report that there are 3 basic kinds of TMR mixer, they are mixer with vertical shape, mixer with a horizontal auger, and mixer with rotary blades. The last one is often used in both beef and dairy husbandry.

The Best One

The question of what is a TMR mixer suits your need has various answers. Each farmer has their consideration. So, if the answer refers to one single type, it won’t be wise. If you search on the internet about the best brands, there is a list of the top ten brands. However, the best based on the survey is not always the best for you. Moreover, if the brand has such a high privilege, the rate might be overpriced and unaffordable.


Among the best brands, Jummos offer many things. We produce not just one kind of machine, but a complete variation of agriculture machines such as bale wrapper, dung truck, stationary TMR mixer, trailed TMR mixer, and many others. All products come with one year guarantee. 

Besides the big agriculture equipment, we also produce wrap (net wrap and silage film). With excellent service, we are ready to compete. One big mission of ours is making the client successful. That is why we always set our prices as competitive as possible and as affordable as possible.

Our head office is in Qingdao, China. For ordering and information, hit us up at Your question ‘what is a TMR mixer’ will be answered together with our best product.